About Staplehurst Parish Council
Staplehurst Parish Council was formed 1894 and held their first meeting on 4th December 1894. Staplehurst Parish Council has 15 councillors representing around 6,700 residents. The aim is to listen to residents and to play a vital part in representing the interests of the communities we serve and to improve the quality of life in the parish.
The Parish Council manages many facilities in the village including the Jubilee Field, Staplehurst Youth Club, Hen and Duckhurst Allotments, Surrenden Field, Wimpey Field, Bell Lane public toilets and a variety of small parcels of open space in the village.
Full Council Meetings
Parish Council Meetings are held on a Monday evening, every three weeks (see dates below), at 7:30pm at Staplehurst Primary School, Infant Hall (except January 13th the meeting will start at 7.00pm). At the start and end of each meeting there is a public forum, when members of the public have up to three minutes each to address the Council, and raise any matters, they wish to be brought to Councillors attention. If a member of the public has attended because they have an interest in a particular agenda item, the Chairman of the Council is able to“ close the meeting” and invite the member of public to speak prior to the item being discussed by Councillors.
Parish Council Planning Committee Meetings
The Parish Council Planning Committee meets on the Monday following a Full Council meeting, every three weeks (see dates below), at 7:30pm at Staplehurst Primary School, Infant Hall. It considers applications and planning matters in the parish and makes recommendations to Maidstone Borough Council, the planning authority that makes the decision.
At the beginning and end of each meeting there is a public forum, when members of the public have up to three minutes each to address the Committee, and to raise any planning matters, they feel need to be brought to Councillors attention. If a member of the public has attended the meeting as they have an interest in a particular application on the agenda, the Chairman of the Committee can “close the meeting” and invite the member of the public to speak prior to the item being discussed.
For further information on meetings and agendas please visit:
Full Council Meetings on Monday (except Bank holidays) |
Planning Committee Meetings on Monday (except Bank holidays) |
February 17th |
February 24th |
March 10th & 31st |
March 17th |
April 22nd |
April 7th & 28th |
May 12th |
Full Council Meetings on Monday (except Bank holidays) |
Planning Committee Meetings on Monday (except Bank holidays) |
May 19th |
June 2nd & 23rd |
June 9th & 30th |
July 14th |
July 21st |
August 4th & 26th (Tuesday) |
August 11th |
September 15th |
September 1st & 22nd |
October 6th & 27th |
October 13th |
November 17th |
November 3rd & 24th |
December 8th |
December 15th |
Working Groups
In addition, the Parish Council has a number of “working groups” – which residents are welcome to join to support the work that takes place in the Parish.
· 3G Multi-Sport working group
· Communications group
· Greener Group
· Jubilee Working Group
· Neighbourhood Plan Review group
· Road safety Group
· Scenic
Further information is available on Council Groups - Staplehurst Parish Council - Staplehurst Parish Council, Staplehurst, Tonbridge (staplehurst-pc.uk)
The Parish Council has an office at Staplehurst Village Centre, High Street, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0BJ, the opening hours are as follows;
Monday – Thursday 9.00am – 1.00pm
The Parish Office is open to members of the public and Councillors during these hours. If you need to speak to a member of staff outside these hours, then please book an appointment by emailing or phone using the contact the details below.
Phone: 01580 891761 or
Email [email protected]
Who does what?
We often receive queries on matters we do not manage. It can be confusing which Council does what – see a link to “Who Does What” below
Report a problem
Many residents contact the Parish Council directly to report an issue. However, the preferred option is to visit:
Where you will find a drop-down list of links for various issues such as missed bins, potholes, etc. It is more effective for a resident to report the issue on-line as it is more likely they will have more information or detailed knowledge of their concern.